Reordering declined items from the Declined Orders page is a faster way to place new orders for items that vendors declined to fulfill.
If you wish to hide some of these, swipe left on the card and press "Ignore". This will grey out the card so you can focus on other ones. To "un-ignore" the order, click the blue reverse icon. Click "Ignore all" at the bottom of your screen to ignore all orders.
After selecting "Yes, continue", a new order will be started with all items that have been declined selected for you. From there, you can continue placing your new order as usual. We will automatically match you with new vendors.
On the item you'd like to reorder, click "See options". On the popup that appears, click "Place New Order". You can also reorder all declined items from this vendor at once by clicking "Reorder all Declined" at the bottom of the screen. In both cases, you will be taken to a new order with the previously-declined item/s selected for you.