Note: You can only do this if you are an Admin user.


1. Navigate to the “Your Company” page from the Hospitality Innovations Home Page.


2. Click on the "Your Team" page. Here, you can view the current members of your team, their position, and their user capabilities.


3. To edit the information of an existing team member, click on their card.


4. Once you see the user's profile, click on "Edit User" on the bottom to edit their settings.

If you wish to deactivate this user, you may do so here. This will remove their access to the app unless you reactivate them.


5. From here, you can edit their role, their notification method, and notification type.

To edit their notification settings, simply scroll down to select an option from the dropdown menu, then select one or more options from the notification types options. For example, if you select "Text" and "Order Confirmed", this user will receive text messages when orders are confirmed.


6. To edit their role, click on "Edit Role", then select a new role from the list.
