
1. Navigate to the Inventory page from the app menu or your favorited pages and click on "Add New Item" on the bottom left corner of your screen.


2. On the right sidebar, scroll through the list or use the search bar to locate the item you want to add.

Items marked as "Orderable" can be ordered from vendors once you add them. Items marked as "Cannot order" will not be able to be ordered.


3. Uncheck the line at the top that says "Show unorderable items" if you want to hide the items that are marked as "Cannot order".


4. If you click on the "Orderable" item that you want to add, you will then see the list of vendors you can order from. When you're ready, click "Add this item" to proceed to the next step.


5. If you cannot find the item you want to add, scroll down to the bottom of list and select "Add Item Manually".


6. Please fill out the fields you see on this page until the button at the bottom turns red.

Most likely, you will need to choose a category for the item. You may need to scroll down to see all of the options. When you're finished, click "Add Item" at the bottom.


And that's it! Your item will then be added to your inventory. Your list is alphabetical by default.