Let’s dive into the different characteristics of an Inventory Item. There are many columns available for you to choose from and use for your inventory page. See this article to edit your column layout:

Customize / Edit Your Inventory Columns


A. Item Name: name that the item is known by in your company

B. Description: optional description of the item

C. On Hand Value: total quantity in restaurant (excludes new and sold values)

D. New Value: items purchased, received, fabricated, etc. today

E. Sold Value: items sold or used today

F. Total Value: On Hand + New - Sold (updates in real time as you make changes)

G. Previous Value: total quantity on hand at last inventory count

H. Par Value: minimum amount of an item you need on hand at a given time

I. Par 2: a second par field for alternate uses (for example: catering par, seasonal par, etc.)

J. Category: the category that the item is a part of (categories accessible via top bar)

K. Sub-Category: second tier category

L. Needs: how many you need to reach your par [(Par + Par 2) - On Hand], if negative, you are above par

M. Last Purchase Price: the last price at which you ordered the item from a vendor

N. Unit: the way you measure one count of the item

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